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Calcium Chloride fertilizer 20 lb.
Calcium Chloride fertilizer 20 lb.

Calcium Chloride fertilizer 20 lb.

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Your Price: $24.64
94-97% pure Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Pellets. Supplement your hydroponic solution or make a great foliar calcium fertilizer for prevention of Blossom End Rot in tomato's, peppers ect.
Part Number: CaCl2-3.5gal-20lb.
Availability: -3 Back Order.

94-97% pure Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Pellets.

Highly Soluble Calcium Fertilizer for Hydroponics, Fertigation and Foliar!

Enhance your plant care with a foliar calcium fertilizer, perfect for preventing Blossom End Rot in tomatoes and peppers.

 94% pure, Vitro anhydrous calcium chloride prilled is 34% Calcium and 60% Chloride. One gram in one gallon of water yields 90 ppm Calcium and 159 ppm Chloride.


In hydroponic solutions try to limit the chloride to less than 100 ppm or better yet 50 ppm.

  • 94% calcium-chloride-solid-safety-data-sheet.pdf
  • 20 pounds in a 5 gallon bucket
  • CAUTION: When making CONCENTRATED solutions, use cool water! Significant heat is released when dissolving. Add solid calcium chloride slowly while continuously mixing. The observed temperature increase during dissolving will vary depending on the conditions associated with each specific application. If solids are allowed to sit motionless in contact with water, a hard cake will form that will be slow to dissolve.
SKU: CaCl2-3.5gal-20lb.
Model Number: CaCl2-3.5gal-20lb.

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