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Entrust® SC Naturalyte® insect control, listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production, provides the performance organic growers have come to trust, but in a liquid formulation. Produced through the fermentation of a naturally occurring soil bacterium, spinosad, the active ingredient in Entrust SC, provides control of insects such as worms, thrips and leafminers.
Entrust® SC Naturalyte® insect control is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production and has a convenient liquid formulation making measuring and mixing easier.
With two modes of entry — contact and ingestion — Entrust SC provides quick knockdown and residual activity.
Entrust SC demonstrates activity against pests such as armyworms, thrips, leafminer, codling moth, cherry fruit fly and spotted wing drosophila. It also provides pest-specific control with a relatively low toxicity to nontarget organisms, including many beneficial insects.
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