Ferti-Nitro Plus Plant Nitrogen
Ferti-Nitro Plus 13.62-0-0
This is a soy protein hydrolysate fertilizer. A water-soluble powder produced enzymatically, without animal by-products. A nontoxic, non-polluting and vegan plant nutrient. Derived from non-GMO soy protein with a guaranteed minimum of 13.62% plant-available nitrogen and a high amino acid content of 80%. Ideal for nitrogen-deficient crops. Recommended for organic agriculture use and as a chemical-free fertilizer. Perfect for environmentally friendly practices.
Benefits include:
- 60-68 grams of readily available plant-based nitrogen per pound.
- Certified CDFA Organic Input Material, OMRI Listed and approval for use on any CCOF farm.
- No soil leaching, plant burn or salt accumulation.
- Organic, natural plant-based form of nitrogen.
- Improved inorganic and organic nitrogen uptake.