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This extraction gives our Ferti-Neem Cake superb nutrient content specifically in its high azadirachtin content and NPK value. Good for all soils, all crops, all seasons. It works primarily by increasing the humus content of the soil. It is an all-purpose organic soil conditioner, ideal for low organic matter soils and significant reducer of chemical fertilizer demand.
In conjunction with nitrogen fertilizers, it increases nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in plants by slowing down the process of nitrogenous compounds like ammonia, nitrates and nitrates and inhibits nitrification.
Can save about 30% of total chemical nitrogen, accelerate root development and protects the crop from soil borne pathogens and pests.
Because of natural and organic nature, Ferti-Neem Cake is compatible with soil microbes and because it improves rhizosphere micro flor it ensures the fertility of the soil.
Great for nematode control such as: arenaria, haplolaimus indicus, helicotylenchus erythrina, pratylenchus sp., meliodogne meloidogyne incognita, m.javanica (root knot nematode found in vegetable crops like okra, chilli, french bean, tomato, black gram, green gram, eggplant, etc.) parasitic fungi, r.brassica, reniform nematode, rotylenchus reniformis, rodopholus similis (banana) trylenchor hynchus and as well as grain moth, red flour beetle.
Method of Application
Work into the soil until properly blended. Apply in and around the roots of the plant, preferably closer to the root zone. Can be applied just like any other organic manure.
Application Rates CROPS
Plantation Crops (Coconut, coffee, tea, mango and other fruit crops)
4-9 lbs./tree*
1. During plantation preparations
2. Before flowering stage
Annual/seasonal crops (vegetables, oily seeds, sugarcane, watermelon, etc.)
330-772 lbs./acre*
*It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy themselves as to the suitability and completeness of this information. We do not accept liability for loss, injury, or damage which may result from misuse. Data is solely for guidance purposes of use. We encourage users to conduct their own testing best suited for their purposes under their conditions.
Total Aflatoxin
(B1, B2, G1, G2)
Arsenic, Cadmium, Chlorides,
Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel,
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