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Gile's Magriculture brand Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) is an essential element for your hydroponic fertilizer nutrient formula. Our high purity standards guarantee optimal plant growth and exceptional safety measures ensure peace of mind. With a composition of 9.5% magnesium and 12.5% sulfate, one gram in one gallon of water yields 25 ppm magnesium and 33 ppm sulfur, making it an ideal source for all Fertigation Systems- center pivot, micro-jet, drip-trickle, and foliar spray applications included! Our superior solubility provides true clear solutions that blend perfectly with other soluble nutrients to guarantee your plants receive all necessary elements like magnesium and sulfur. This product increases yield production due to the critical nature of Magnesium in the chlorophyll molecule- a central part of the photosynthesis process for converting sunlight into energy. Choose Gile's Magriculture brand Magnesium Sulfate to receive optimal growing conditions that will guarantee your crops’ success throughout the entire growth cycle; no matter where you're located! Trust in our industry-leading expertise to find what works best for you - contact us today!Exceptional purity and safety
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