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AgSil® potassium silicate helps plants to resist toxicity from phosphorous, manganese, aluminum, and iron, and increases tolerance to salt 1. AgSil® potassium silicate also aids in resistance to drought by reducing water loss, and in some cases it may increase growth and yield 1-5.
Application of AgSil® potassium silicate improves leaf erectness, reduces susceptibility to lodging in grasses, and improves photosynthesis efficiency 1. For turf this can result in faster, healthier greens and athletic fields. Row crops, vine crops, ornamentals, and hydroponically grown plants can all benefit from potassium silicate supplementation.
This is a 1.6 weight ratio, hydrous potassium silicate powder with 32% K2O and 52.8% SiO2 and 14.8% H2O.
Mix 1.5 grams AgSil 16H with 1 ounce Dyna-Gro Pure Neem Oil to saponify the oil. Then mix this saponified oil with one gallon final volume spray solution. Spray every other week covering all plant surfaces (top and bottom of leaves) until it runs off.
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