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Pyganic EC 1.4 quart
Pyganic EC 1.4 quart

Pyganic EC 1.4 quart

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Your Price: $93.33
PyGanic Crop Protection EC 1.4 offers immediate insect control for organic production. PyGanic® Crop Protection is an organically-compliant, broad-specturm contact insecticide. Stop damage fast PyGanic delivers quick knockdown and control of crop-damaging insects. Flexible No pre-harvest interval Organically compliant PyGanic is OMRI® listed and meets the USDA’s NOP requirements for an input. Broad Spectrum May be used on all growing crops to control a broad spectrum of insects. Organic Standards Compliance Not all Products are created Equal! PyGanic® is compliant with the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) requirements for an organic input. PyGanic is OMRI listed® and is an approved material under Washington State Department of Agriculture organic food program.
Part Number: MGK7448AD30B
Availability: 0 Back Order.
Manufacturer: MGK

PyGanic Crop Protection EC 1.4 offers immediate insect control for organic production.

PyGanic® Crop Protection is an organically-compliant, broad-specturm contact insecticide.

Stop damage fast

PyGanic delivers quick knockdown and control of crop-damaging insects.


No pre-harvest interval

Organically compliant

PyGanic is OMRI® listed and meets the USDA’s NOP requirements for an input.

Broad Spectrum

May be used on all growing crops to control a broad spectrum of insects.

Organic Standards Compliance

Not all Products are created Equal! PyGanic® is compliant with the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) requirements for an organic input. PyGanic is OMRI listed® and is an approved material under Washington State Department of Agriculture organic food program.

Product Specifications

Signal Word Caution
Packaging quarts (6 per case), gallons (4 per case)
EPA Registration Number 1021-1771
Food Handling Not for use in food handling area
Stability of Undiluted Product Stable
Stability of Diluted Product Agitation recommended but not required. Preferably mix only enough for immediate use.
Appearance Clear, amber-brown colored liquid
Odor Mild sweet odor
Active Ingredients Pyrethrins
Flammability Not classified as flammable or combustible by OSHA
Mode of Action Sodium channel inhibitor – disrupts insects nervous system
Class of Chemistry Pyrethrins
Respirator Required None
Mix or Dilute in Water only
Activity Quick knockdown, contact kill and flushes insects from hiding
Shelf Life 1 year in original commercial packaging stored at room temperature




Model Number: 84892000713
UPC: 84892000713

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