S700 7-in-1 Compact Weather Sensor measures air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, light intensity, rainfall (optical), wind speed, and wind direction (ultrasonic). It is ideal for application in a rough environment like the outdoors, agriculture, or smart cities.
This SenseCAP ONE S700 7-in-1 Compact Weather Sensor can help you collect and monitor environmental and weather data, which are crucial in different application scenarios such as smart city projects and etc. It's IP66 certified, and it features strong robustness to withstand even the toughest outdoor environment. The Sensors to measure wind speed and wind direction use ultrasound instead of a traditional mechanical 3-cup or vane anemometer. The advantage of using ultrasonic sensors is that reducing the movable parts can make the sensor less likely to break and thereby is easier to be maintained without any sacrifices in precision or manpower.
SenseCAP ONE is a series of all-in-one compact weather sensors, that integrate multiple sensors into this compact device, monitoring up to 10 weather parameters: air temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, light intensity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, PM 2.5, PM 10, and CO2.
The SenseCAP ONE series uses the RS 485 (MODBUS-RTU) / SDI-12 communication protocol. Hence, the SenseCAP ONE compact weather sensor can be used with any data logger that supports RS485 (MODBUS-RTU) / SDI-12.
We offer the SenseCAP S2100 - LoRaWAN® Data Logger and SenseCAP Sensor Hub 4G Data Logger suitable for SenseCAP ONE series weather sensors, you can transmit the sensor data to public LoRaWAN® network servers(Helium, TTN, etc.,) or private servers.
General Parameters
Parameters Measured
air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction,rainfall intensity and light intensity
Power Supply
24V(Heating power supply)
Cable Length
Operating Temperature & Humidity
-40 °C ~ + 85 °C, 0 ~ 100%RH
IP Rating
Device Weight
Air Temperature
- 40 °C ~ + 85 °C
± 0.1?
0.01 ?
Air Humidity
0 ~ 100% RH
± 1.5% RH
0.01% RH
Barometric Pressure
300 ~ 1250 hPa
± 50 Pa
10 Pa
Wind Speed (Ultrasonic)
0~60 m/s standard range
0~75m/s extended range
Up to 80m/s withstand range
±3% (10m/s ~ 50m/s)
±5% (>50m/s)
0.1 m/s
Wind Direction (Ultrasonic)
0 ~ 360 °
± 3.0°
Rainfall Intensity (Optical)
0 ~ 200 mm/h
± 10%
0.2 mm/h
Light Intensity
0 ~ 200,000 Lux
± 5% of reading
5 Lux
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