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  5. Suffoil-X Spray Oil Insecticide/Miticide/Fungicide - 2.5 gallon

Suffoil-X Spray Oil Insecticide/Miticide/Fungicide - 2.5 gallon

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Your Price: $91.94
SuffOil-x controls a wide range of mite and insect pests in the egg stage such as: spider and eriophyid mites, armored and soft scales, mealy bugs, psyllids, whiteflies, aphids, leafrollers, leaftiers, webworms, cankerworms, plant bugs, leafhoppers and edelgids. SuffOil-x will kill other immature forms if spray covers the insect.
Part Number: CHSUFFOILX25
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Suffoil-X Spray Oil Insecticide/Miticide/Fungicide - 2.5 gal

Spray Oil Emulsion Fungicide, Insecticide and Miticide

Active ingredients is Petroleum Oil..80%.

SuffOil-x controls a wide range of mite and insect pests in the egg stage such as: spider and eriophyid mites, armored and soft scales, mealy bugs, psyllids, whiteflies, aphids, leafrollers, leaftiers, webworms, cankerworms, plant bugs, leafhoppers and edelgids. SuffOil-x will kill other immature forms if spray covers the insect.

SuffOil-X is an insecticide, miticide, and fungicide that suffocates pests in all life stages with a unique concentration of pre-emulsified and highly refined oil. SuffOil-X’s formulation delivers lower petroleum oil content and a droplet size that’s 93% smaller than other agricultural spray oils. This allows a high level of protection using a thinner coating – resulting in faster dry times, less blockage of stomata and plant respiration, and less magnification of sunlight. Plus, the emulsifiers help SuffOil-X dilute faster and more thoroughly in water than traditional spray oils. All of which dramatically reduce the chances of plant burn.

Model Number: 852109003075
UPC: 0852109003075

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