Application Rates
Natural:15 lb. (0.75 lb. N) / 1000 sq ft
Lawns:20 lb. (1 lb. N) / 1000 sq ft.
Golf Course
Low Rate:10 lb. (0.50 lb. N) / 1000 sq ft.
Medium Rate:15 lb. (0.75 lb. N) / 1000 sq ft.
High Rate:20 lb. (1 lb. N) / 1000 sq ft.
Low Rate:(Examples - peas, beans) Incorporate 800 lb. per acre 2-3 weeks prior to planting.
Medium Rate:(Examples - asparagus, beet, carrot, melon, pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprout, and celery) Incorporate 2000 lb. per acre 2-3 weeks prior to planting.
High Rate:(Examples - onion, sweet corn, potato, tomato) Incorporate 2000 lb. per acre 2-3 weeks prior to planting.
Tree & Palm
Rate based on 1” of trunk diameter (caliper). Example: for 10” trunk diameter (caliper) multiply label rate by 10.
Incorporation:Mix with soil in bottom of holes prior to transplanting. Apply 5.0 lb. at transplanting
Broadcast:Apply 10.0 lb. at transplanting.
Low Rate:(for heavy substrates with porosity < 60%) Incorporation:24 lb. per cubic yard of media. Landscape:40 lb. per 1000 sq. ft.
Medium Rate:(for most nursery stock and foliage plants) Incorporation:36 lb. per cubic yard of media. Landscape:69 lb. per 1000 sq. ft.
High Rate:(for light substrates with porosity > 80% )Incorporation:45 lb. per cubic yard of media. Landscape:100 lb. per 1000 sq. ft.
Container Sizes
1 Gallon: Low Rate: 30 grams
High Rate: 60 grams
2 Gallon: Low Rate: 60 grams
High Rate: 120 grams
3 Gallon: Low Rate: 92 grams
High Rate: 192 grams
5 Gallon: Low Rate: 120 grams
High Rate: 260 grams
7 Gallon: Low Rate: 180 grams
High Rate: 392 grams
10 Gallon: Low Rate: 220 grams
High Rate: 472 grams
15 Gallon: Low Rate: 240 grams
High Rate: 500 grams